Stories of Change: The past, present and future of energy

The Friends of Jules Library item 24 Jun 2017

'Only Jules and No Horses'

"The planet is now craving conservation / Preserving life for each new generation..."

"The planet is now craving conservation / Preserving life for each new generation..."

A bundle of energy is my friend Jules

A phenomenon who will suffer no fools

Harness Jules he will power your life

Abuse him and your problems are rife

Jules has evolved since that faraway dawn

When life on Earth was slow and horse drawn

Is modern day Jules a nightmare or dream ?

A world away from the age of steam

Jules can be drawn from Fossil form

Or captured by windfarm from natural storm

No longer reliant on deep mined Coal

Or the men who descended the deep dark hole

Jules in crude supplies mass lubrication

Turning the wheels of every nation

Jules can be measured in pints or in Litres

Or in Kilowatts and recorded by meters

Jules can be wasteful or economic

Simple as sunlight or mighty Atomic

Jules in one form can light up your street

Or heat humble dwelling by Lignite or Peat

Almost anywhere Jules can be found

In waves , in the air , or deep underground

He can heat up your bath , your sink or your shower

Costing merely pennies per hour

In dirty form Jules can spew out pollution

Jules in his clean form the simple solution

The planet is now craving conservation

Preserving life for each new generation

New agreements are constantly forming

To combat pollution and global warming

Planet earth craves these hard and fast rules

Only broken by madmen dictators and fools

– Sam Morgan

Footer Button for details about My Friend Jules

My Friend Jules explores new ways for us to think about energy and to share points of view about this vital common resource. It recognises that our energy decisions depend as much on human factors as science. By contributing your unique story about Jules, you help us more fully understand our society’s complex relationship to energy.


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